Five men died today (1st) in a confrontation with military police in Thomaz Coelho, in the north zone of Rio de Janeiro, close to one of the accesses to Morro do Juramento. The Military Police reported that three men were rescued and taken to the Carlos Chagas State Hospital, but did not resist their injuries. Two people died on the spot. In the operation, the Military Police seized six rifles and a .50 machine gun. The PM also informed that the military were leaving a joint operation carried out in the communities of Juramento, in Vicente de Carvalho and Chapadão, in Costa Barros, when they were surprised by criminals from Juramentinho, from a rival faction, who were trying to occupy Juramento, target of joint action. There was confrontation with the criminals. Residents of the Thomaz Coelho region released videos on social networks, showing men armed with rifles, leaving the community. Another action Seven days ago, another PM operation in three communities in Rio resulted in the death of at least 10 people, six of them in Morro do Juramento. The action took place on the 25th of November. One of them was found near the scene of the confrontation and five died in a house when they were surprised by the police. In the action, a military police officer was injured in the hand. The operation caused the circulation of subway trains to be interrupted during the afternoon for more than an hour. Through social networks, the MetrôRio concessionaire, which manages the service, reported that the suspension of the service was taken as a security measure.
Agência Brasil
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