Since August 2022, 62 children and adolescents have already been identified by the new Busca Ativa program and the adoption process has started. The National Active Search is the newest measure put into practice by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) to help with the adoption of children and adolescents outside the profile most sought after by the more than 30,000 applicants registered in the National Adoption and Reception System (SNA). . That’s what explains Isabely Mota, SNA’s business manager. The Active Search procedure, which already took place at the state level, provides information, photos and videos of children and young people with difficulties in being adopted for the prospective families who, at first, did not register interest in those profiles. Mechanism So far, data from 951 of the more than four thousand children eligible for adoption have been forwarded to the new mechanism. One of the requirements for interested families is that younger children be adopted along with siblings. Forty-five of the 62 young people in the process of adoption, through Busca Ativa, have at least one sibling. In addition, 17 of them are over 12 years old. Since 2019, when the National Registry data were compiled in the National System, 15% of the 13,000 adopted since then were over 12 years old. Currently, only 355 families accept teenagers in this age group.
Agência Brasil
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