The city of São Luís, capital of Maranhão, completes this Tuesday (6) 25 years of recognition as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco). According to the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan), the title – granted on December 6, 1997, in Naples, Italy – was due to the urbanity and rich and diverse architecture, and also to the example of a Portuguese colonial city, with a layout preserved and representative architectural complex. The historic center of the capital of Maranhão is made up of more than a thousand secular mansions, many of them built in the 18th and 19th centuries and covered with traditional Portuguese tiles, also influenced by France. All this historical importance was also responsible for the listing of the capital in 1974 by IPHAN. Commemorations The celebrations for the title of World Heritage of Humanity have been taking place throughout this year. And now, in December, the celebration continues in one of the main cultural centers of São Luís, Casa do Maranhão. The space, located in Praia Grande, in the historic center, is hosting the interactive exhibition “Cultural Manifestations of Brazil – The Living Celebration of the Culture of the Peoples”. It displays the 52 cultural assets registered as Brazilian intangible cultural heritage. Through photos, videos, museum objects and sounds, a rich collection – made up of pieces by collectors and artisans, as well as scenographic environments, accompanied by didactic texts in three languages - visitors can learn about and experience a little of the various manifestations recognized by the IPHAN. The samba de roda from the Bahian Recôncavo, frevo, the círio de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, cordel literature, fandango caiçara and jongo from the southeast, in addition to the Creole drum and bumba meu boi from Maranhão, are among the dozens of manifestations that invite the public to a true journey and immersion through the country.
Agência Brasil
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