Consumption in Brazilian Homes, measured by the Brazilian Association of Supermarkets (Abras), ended the month of October up 6.27% compared to September. In the year, consumption in homes accumulates a rise of 3.02%, being the highest rise in consumption in the year, approaching the indicator of accumulated growth throughout last year, of 3.04%. In comparison with October 2021, the index increased by 8.10%. The result includes the cash and carry store formats, conventional supermarket, neighborhood store, hypermarket, minimarket and e-commerce. All indicators are deflated by the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA), measured by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). According to Abras, the advance payment of social benefits for the second and third weeks of October contributed to the increase in consumption. The anticipation benefited 21.13 million families with the transfer of R$ 12.8 billion. “It is remarkable how much the increase in the value of the Auxílio Brasil and the constant inclusion of beneficiaries in conditions of social vulnerability expanded food consumption in this second half and, more expressively, in October”, said the Institutional Vice President of Abras , Marcio Milan. According to data from Abras, the value of the basket composed exclusively of food recorded a drop of 0.98%. Among the products that presented a decrease in prices are long-life milk (6.28%), beans (3.39%), soy oil (0.94%), ground coffee (0.44%), beef hind (0. .41%), sugar (0.35%), cheese (0.17%). The drop occurred in all five regions of the country. In the national average, the price of the basket increased from R$ 319.57 in October to R$ 316.45 in November. The basket with 35 products of wide consumption (food, beverages, meat, cleaning products, hygiene and beauty items) increased by 0.42%, led by tomatoes (17.79%), onions (13.79% ), potato (8.99%) and cassava flour (5.69%). In the hygiene and beauty category, the products with the greatest variation in prices were soap (0.92%), shampoo (1.05%), toothpaste (0.56%) and toilet paper (0.68%). In the cleaning basket, the highs were driven by soap powder (2.32%), liquid dish detergent (0.42%) and disinfectant (0.41%). With the variation recorded in November, the average price of the domestic basket rose from R$743.75 in October to R$746.85 in November. In the accumulated in 12 months, the high is 6.47%. In the regional analysis, the smallest variation was registered in the South region, of minus 0.46%, followed by the Midwest (0.08%), Northeast (0.26%), Southeast (0.61%) and North ( 0.76%).
Agência Brasil
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