The Symphony Orchestra of the University of São Paulo (Osusp) and the Chamber Orchestra (Ocam) of the School of Communications and Arts (ECA) will perform today (16th), at 4 pm, together with the singer and composer from Paraíba, Chico César, in the end-of-year show Natal Solidário at USP. The show will be at the USP Sports Practice Center (Cepeusp), with free admission and tickets can be picked up on the website or on site. The Central Única das Favelas (Cufa) will be at the entrance collecting non-perishable food and new toys for donation to communities in Butantã. Donation is not mandatory. In addition to Chico César, percussionist Simone Soul, composer and guitarist Neymar Dias, composer and guitarist João Gabriel, as well as an Octet formed by well-known voices from the national music scene, revealed throughout the event, and André Bachur, assistant conductor from Ocam. The artistic conception of the program is by Osusp and the event marks a meeting between professional musicians and young artists from Ocam. Conductor and general direction are Maestro Gil Jardim, current director of both orchestras. The musicians will present pieces chosen to stimulate harmony, reflection, empathy and peace of mind, taking advantage of Christmas Eve. Short works by composers such as Samuel Barber and H. Villa-Lobos will open the program, which continues with songs by Chico César, such as Estado de Poesia, Templo, At First Sight, Dance, God protect me, Reis do Agribusiness, Por because of a ticket, Sem ganzá é não coco, Ererré, Inumeráveis, Beradeiro and Mama África. “Bringing Chico César to the Solidarity Christmas at the University of São Paulo is a privilege. The opportunity to hear him accompanied by Osusp and Ocam will be unmissable. The concert is a Christmas gift that USP will offer to São Paulo society. We will certainly experience moments of great joy. The collections made will make many residents of communities neighboring USP happy. I invite everyone to participate in this beautiful party”, said the dean of culture and university extension at USP, Marli Quadros Leite. The show will be held in the grassy fields of Cepeusp and will have a stage measuring 16 meters in front, in addition to a screen measuring 10 X 5 meters with images of the show in real time. The structure has a VIP area for invited authorities with around 100 seats. 10,000 tickets will be made available to the public.
Agência Brasil
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