This Tuesday (20) is the first launch of a rocket by a private company in Brazil. The operation was scheduled for today (19) at the Alcântara Launch Center, in Maranhão, but was postponed due to the forecast of rain and strong winds. The South Korean company Innospace will launch, from the Brazilian base, the Hanbit-TLV rocket. In addition to testing the operation of the equipment, the mission takes the Inertial Navigation System (Sisnav), developed by the Brazilian military with support from the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep) and the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), linked to the Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation. Finep supported the development of Sisnav with resources of almost R$ 40 million, allocated to the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), in projects carried out between 2005 and 2016. According to the folder, Sisnav is a national experiment for the autonomous rocket navigation, developed by the Aeronautics and Space Institute of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), within the Navigation and Control System project (Sisnac). The technology will be part of the Microsatellite Launch Vehicle (VLM). “With the launch, flight data will be obtained that assess how the system behaved under specific temperature and pressure conditions. There will be no rescue operation, as flight data will be collected by telemetry. The payload weighs 20 kilograms,” the ministry explained in a statement. It will be the first opportunity to evaluate the behavior of the technology in a real flight environment. All parts and equipment for the rocket were brought from South Korea and arrived in the city of Alcântara, in early December, around 8 tons of components. “The success of the launch operation will demonstrate the national capacity for space launches, generate experience gains for the teams and insert the country in the international market”, highlighted the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Technological Safeguards Agreement The use of the Alcântara Launch Center by private companies and the resumption of the Brazilian Space Program was possible after the approval, by the National Congress, of the Technological Safeguards Agreement between Brazil and the United States. The measure came into effect in December 2019.
Agência Brasil
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