The Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ) launched, this week, the online platform for mediation and conciliation of conflicts + Agreement. According to the TJRJ, it is a pre-procedural solution for agile and accessible dispute resolution, which brings less costs and bureaucracy. The + Agreement platform results from a partnership between the TJ and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and Light, a company whose consumer rights actions constitute the pilot project of the initiative. The new platform makes it possible to access histories and documents generated for that case and, in seconds, the user can receive a proposal based on other similar cases. Social peace The president of the court, Judge Henrique Carlos de Andrade Figueira, recalled that mediation has gained importance in recent years for conflict resolution. “When we bring the parties together to reconcile, we achieve social peace more effectively”. For Figueira, the project “is fantastic”. The rector of PUC-Rio, Father Anderson Antonio Pedroso, in turn, highlighted that the projects partnerships enhance the institutions and establish bridges at the service of the community. “Technology makes us understand this new temporality – a meeting of the past, present and future”, he mentioned. The president of the Information and Communication Technology Management Committee (CGTIC), judge Marcus André Chut, noted that the initiative represents the first step of the Judiciary diving into the 21st century with the use of artificial intelligence for mass processes. Brazilian, rationalizing Justice in search of better solutions.” The president of the Permanent Nucleus of Consensual Conflict Resolution Methods (Nupemec), Judge César Cury, highlighted that society requires new ways to answer its questions. “The Judiciary exercises its power towards society through information, culture and technological platforms”, he said. Pillars The +agreement platform has three fundamental pillars: ease, automation and consensus. The system’s artificial intelligence combines techniques to automatically generate proposals based on data provided by the parties. The court’s historical case law data, extracted from judgments, petitions and responses, was used as the basis for the artificial intelligence system, in addition to expert rules and current regulations. About 50,000 lawsuits from 2018 to 2020 from civil courts and special civil courts were collected and analyzed for the project. The project is initially focused on Consumer Law actions and seeks to solve user problems in an agile and accessible way, reducing costs and bureaucracy. The partnership with Light made it possible for the cases of Term of Occurrence and Inspection (TOI) to be chosen for the pilot of the system, since this type of term represents a large volume of recurrent cases, explained the TJRJ, through its advisory of press. The initiative was developed by Instituto Tecgraf at PUC-Rio in partnership with Legalite and other university departments. The team involves professionals from diverse fields, including computer science, data science, law and design. The TJRJ also informed that the + Agreement platform is extensible and adaptable, which makes it possible to expand its use to any settlement case and also to other Brazilian courts.
Agência Brasil
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