TV Brasil reached peaks of more than 3 points with the transmission of the Inauguration Ceremony of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in the Federal District (DF), in São Paulo and in Rio de Janeiro. The 1st of January was marked by the inauguration of the new president and TV Brasil and the EBC vehicles were once again present. With more than 8 hours of transmission, the event reached the third position and peaks of more than 3 audience points. TV Brasil coordinated the pool of stations that showed all the details of the ceremony: the oath to the Constitution in the National Congress, the speeches of the new President of the Republic and the inauguration of the new ministers of state in the Planalto Palace. In the squares of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and DF, coverage of the event reached more than 1.7 million people, reaching more than 350 thousand people simultaneously, considering only the viewers of these three cities. The event also featured a broadcast by the National Public Communication Network (RNCP), which today has more than 62 broadcasters, including branches and affiliates. On social networks, coverage of the event generated engagement (Buzz). In all, there were 20 publications on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that generated more than 150,000 interactions and almost 160,000 views of the videos, numbers that are still growing. Data on TV transmissions are from the Kantar Ibope Media institute. The data on social media engagement comes from Buzzmonitor and Studio (YouTube).
Agência Brasil
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