The federal government will create a program to assist indebted people, including those who contracted a payroll loan offered by Auxílio Brasil in 2022, a modality implemented to allow the inclusion of defaulting people back into the economy. The announcement was made by the Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger, Wellington Dias. The initiative, called Desenrola Brasil, is still in the development phase. According to the ministry, the estimate is that 80 million defaulting people will be assisted, with around 3.5 million people indebted with payroll and receiving the Brazil Aid. Debts add up to R$ 9.5 billion. According to the minister, the new program will be developed in partnership with other ministries. “The problem of those indebted for the Auxílio Brasil or the Bolsa Família, the so-called payroll deduction, is serious. First, from the point of view of legality itself. The program was used, during the election period, with clearly electoral objectives. President Lula has already shown sensitivity to the issue since the campaign,” said Wellington Dias.
Agência Brasil
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