One day after the coup acts that resulted in the depredation of the National Congress, the Planalto Palace and the Federal Supreme Court (STF), governors and governors met in Brasília, on the night of this Monday (9), with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to reaffirm the defense of democracy and condemn the institutional rupture attempt in the country. All the governors or vices of the 26 states and the Federal District participated in the meeting. Also at the meeting were the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, and of the acting Federal Senate, Veneziano Vital do Rêgo (MDB-PB), in addition to the president of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Rosa Weber, and other ministers of the Supreme Court. “It is important to emphasize that this forum [de governadores] meets respecting the different political nuances that make up the ideological and party plurality of our country, but everyone has a non-negotiable cause, which unites us: democracy”, highlighted the governor of Pará, Hélder Barbalho, who organized the meeting, and made a speaks representing the governors of the North Region. During the meeting, the state leaders were unanimous in emphasizing the defense of the democratic rule of law in the country. “Today’s meeting means that Brazilian democracy will become, after yesterday’s episodes, even stronger”, said the governor of São Paulo Tarcísio de Freitas, on behalf of the Southeast Region. Governor Fátima Bezerra, of Rio Grande do Norte, spoke of her indignation at the scenes of destruction of the greatest symbols of republican democracy in the country and asked for punishment to the coup plotters. “It was very painful to see the scenes of yesterday, the violence reaching the heart of the Republic. In the face of such a serious episode, the attitude of the governors of Brazil could not be any other than being here today. These acts of yesterday cannot go unpunished”, he said, on behalf of the Northeast Region. For the South Region, it fell to the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, to highlight some of the joint actions launched by the states, such as the provision of police personnel to maintain order in the Federal District and demobilize coup-mongering camps in the states. “In addition to providing police personnel, we are working synergistically in tune to maintain order in our states.” Acting Governor of the Federal District, Celina Leão, said that the government of the capital “is in line with democracy” and recalled the arrest, so far, of more than 1,500 people for involvement in acts of vandalism. Celina Leão replaces governor Ibaneis Rocha, removed early this Monday, by decision of the minister of the STF, Alexandre de Moraes. She took the opportunity to say that the removed governor “is a democrat”, but that, “unfortunately, he received several equitable information vocations during the crisis”. Since yesterday, the DF has been under federal intervention in public safety. The decree signed by president Lula still needs to be approved by the National Congress, which will happen in a symbolic way, assured the president of the Chamber of Deputies. “We will vote symbolically, unanimously, to demonstrate that the House of the people is united in defense of tough measures for this small radical group, which harassed the institutions and tried to leave democracy squatting yesterday.” Financiers In a speech to the governors, President Lula thanked them for their solidarity and harshly criticized the groups involved in the acts of vandalism. “You came to show solidarity with the country and democracy. What we saw yesterday was something that was already foreseen. This had been announced some time ago. heard about,” he said. The president also again criticized the action of the police forces and said that it is necessary to investigate and find the financiers of democratic acts. “Brasília’s police neglected. Brasília’s intelligence neglected. It’s easy for us to see the police talking to the invaders. We’re not going to be authoritarian with anyone, but we’re not going to be lukewarm with anyone. We’re going to find who financed [os atos golpistas]”. The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, stated that the ongoing investigations should result in new requests for preventive and temporary arrest, mainly against the financiers. Unit Present at the meeting, Minister Rosa Weber, president of the STF, he also made a point of praising the presence of governors in a gesture of democratic commitment to Brazil. in the sense of defending our democracy and the democratic rule of law. The meaning of this union around a Brazil that we want, a Brazil of peace, solidarity and fraternity”. headquarters of the STF, a building that was also brutally destroyed yesterday. Minister Rosa Weber guaranteed that the building will be ready for the reopening of the judicial year, in February. Lula and governors visit the STF after meeting – Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino/Rights Reserved Governors and vice presidents present : Mailza Assis – Deputy Governor of Acre Paulo Dantas – Governor of Alagoas Clécio Luis – Governor of Amapá Wilson Lima – Governor of Amazonas Jerônimo Rodrigues – Governor of Bahia Renato Casagrande – Governor of Espírito Santo Daniel Vilela – Deputy Governor of Goiás Carlos Brandão – governor of Maranhão Otaviano Pivetta – vice-governor of Mato Grosso Eduardo Riedel – governor of Mato Grosso do Sul Romeu Zema – governor of Minas Gerais Hélder Barbalho – Governor of Pará João Azevêdo – Governor of Paraíba Ratinho Jr. – Governor of Paraná Raquel Lyra – Governor of Pernambuco Rafael Fonteles – Governor of Piauí Cláudio Castro – Governor of Rio de Janeiro Fátima Bezerra – Governor of Rio Grande do Norte Eduardo Leite – Governor of Rio Grande do Sul Augusto Leonel de Souza Marques – Representative of the government of Rondônia Antônio Denarium – governor of Roraima Jorginho Mello – governor of Santa Catarina Tarcísio de Freitas – governor of São Paulo Fábio Mitidieri – governor of Sergipe Elmano de Freitas – governor of Ceará Wanderlei Barboda – governor of Tocantins Celina Leão – acting governor of Federal District
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