Removed for 90 days from the position of governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha commented this Monday (9) on the decision of the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court, Alexandre de Moraes, to remove him. “I respect the decision of Minister Alexandre de Moraes, but I reiterate my faith in Justice and democratic institutions. I will calmly wait for the decision on the responsibilities in the regrettable events that occurred in our Capital”, said Ibaneis in a post on Twitter. Ibaneis reaffirmed his unshakable defense and belief in institutions, in the Democratic Rule of Law, in the observance of laws and the Constitution, principles that, according to him, forged his career as a lawyer and public man. “I trust that during the investigation of responsibilities, the role of each public agent will be duly clarified, as well as the entire disposition of the Government of the Federal District in order to avoid any and all acts that would attack the public property of our Capital, never waiting for the situation to reach the point that, unfortunately, we are witnessing”, he said. Ibaneis also expressed “vehement repudiation of widely publicized scenes of barbarism” and said that it is necessary to seek accountability “of any network that may exist for financing anti-democratic acts, observing, of course, due legal process”. The retired governor reiterated solidarity with the presidents and members of the constituted Powers, “in the certainty that democracy will emerge strengthened before the eyes of the world, the people of the Federal District and all of Brazil”. Ibaneis Rocha stressed that in other serious moments, he acted rigorously in order to protect not only the property, but the honor of the National Congress and the Federal Supreme Court, as in the attempted invasion of May 2020, when several people were arrested. “I respect the decision of Minister Alexandre de Moraes [de afastar Ibaneis do cargo], but I reiterate my faith in justice and democratic institutions. I will calmly await the decision on the responsibilities in the regrettable events that occurred in our Capital, ”he concluded. Decision The decision handed down by Moraes was motivated by a request from Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP) and the Advocacy General of the Union within the scope of the investigation of anti-democratic acts, of which the minister is the rapporteur. “The violent escalation of criminal acts resulted in the invasion of the buildings of the Planalto Palace, the National Congress and the Federal Supreme Court, with depredation of public property, as widely reported by the national press, circumstances that could only occur with the consent, and even effective participation, of the competent authorities for public security and intelligence, since the organization of the supposed demonstrations was a notorious and known fact, which was publicized by the Brazilian media”, justified Moraes
Agência Brasil
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