The presidents of the Three Powers of the Republic released, late this morning (9), a joint note in defense of democracy. In the text, they say they reject “terrorist acts, vandalism, criminals and scammers”. “We are united so that institutional measures are taken, in accordance with Brazilian law”, says the note, which was published on the official profile of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on social networks. “We call on society to maintain serenity, in defense of peace and democracy in our homeland”. In addition to Lula, the note was signed by the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), the acting president of the Federal Senate, Veneziano Vital do Rêgo (MDB-PB), and the president of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). , Minister Rosa Weber. “We call on society to maintain serenity, in defense of peace and democracy in our homeland. The country needs normality, respect and work for the progress and social justice of the nation”, concludes the text. The Presidents of Power met early this Monday morning (9), after the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary headquarters were invaded on Sunday afternoon (8) and vandalized by vandals and people who do not accept the results of the elections. last year and call for a military coup in the country. The Minister of Defense, José Múcio, and the Minister of the Social Communication Secretariat of the Presidency, Paulo Pimenta, also participated, in addition to the Ministers of the STF Luís Roberto Barroso and Dias Toffoli. Governors In the afternoon, the Presidents of Power should also participate in a meeting with the governors of all states. After yesterday’s episodes, the governor of the Federal District (DF) was removed by the Supreme Court. This morning, the administrator of Plano Piloto – central region of Brasilia –, Ilka Teodoro, stepped down. Still on Sunday night (8), Lula visited the Planalto Palace and the seat of the Supreme Court. In his official profile on a social network, he said that “the coup plotters who promoted the destruction of public property in Brasília are being identified and will be punished.” Just yesterday afternoon (8), the president decreed federal intervention in Public Security in the Federal District.
Agência Brasil
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