The Minister of the Attorney General’s Office (AGU), Jorge Messias, said today (17) that the agency will file new lawsuits in court to guarantee compensation for the damage caused during the anti-democratic acts of January 8. In an interview with the program A Voz do Brasil, the minister also stated that he will prioritize the collection of R$ 18 billion in environmental fines. Messias informed that, according to calculations, the damages caused by the depredation exceed R$ 10 million and that collective moral damages will also be charged to those accused of participating in the attacks. “All those who contributed to the invasion of public buildings and in some way were associated with the depredation process will be held accountable. We will enter with new actions. The President’s Determination [Lula] it is the search for full reimbursement to the treasury for all the damages that were committed by the terrorists”, he stated. In the interview, the minister also informed that the AGU is working with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to guarantee the return of the collection of environmental fines. The value reaches R$ 18 billion. “It is necessary for the State to vigorously reach out to all environmental offenders. We are going to prioritize the collection of these fines and the application of the infraction notices that were drawn up by Ibama [Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis”, disse.
Jorge Messias declarou ainda que está tomando medidas para ampliar o serviço Ligue 180, linha telefônica para denúncia de violências contra a mulher. “A mulher é a destinatária primeira do serviço. A ministra [Cida Gonçalves] identified that the service is insufficient. We are building legal solutions so that the minister can expand the service provided to women, ”she concluded.
Agência Brasil