The Attorney General’s Office (AGU) asked the Federal Court today (19) for a new blockade of the assets of individuals and companies involved in the anti-democratic acts of January 8. The agency requests that the previous blockade of R$ 6.5 million be increased to R$ 18.5 million. In the new request, the AGU informs that the new value refers to the damage caused by the destruction of the Palácio do Planalto, the Congress and the Federal Supreme Court (STF) facilities. According to the lawyer, the blockade should affect the movable and immovable property of 52 people and seven companies. “In this context, in view of supervening information, it appears that the estimated minimum damage is undersized, which is why the Union comes to court to request the addition of the initial to amend and add a new element to the cause of action and a new request regarding the increase of the damage once established as a parameter for the granting of the patrimonial injunction”, justified the AGU. On Tuesday (17), in an interview with the program A Voz do Brasil, the Minister of Advocacy General of the Union (AGU), Jorge Messias, assured that all those involved in the coup acts will be held accountable. Anti-democratic acts Since President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected in the second round, at the end of October, supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro have demonstrated their dissatisfaction with the result of the election and have called for a military coup in the country, to overthrow the democratically elected government . The demonstrations of the last few months included encampments in several general headquarters in the country and culminated with the invasion and depredation of the headquarters of the Three Powers, in Brasília, on January 8th.
Agência Brasil
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