This Friday (27th), the Federal Police in São Paulo will carry out another phase of Operation Horizonte, aimed at facilitating assistance and regularizing documents for vulnerable immigrants. The purpose of the action is to reduce the queue for assistance at the Federal Police. This fifth phase of Operation Horizonte will last until April 14 and provides for assistance to immigrants who are requesting asylum, refugee registration recognized by the National Committee for Refugees (Conare), humanitarian reception, residence permits or even the issuance of a second via the National Migration Registry Card (CRNM), among others. Operation Horizonte is the result of a partnership between the Federal Police, the Immigrant Integration and Citizenship Center (CIC do Imigrante), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the UN Migration Agency (IOM) to provide assistance free, guidance and referral for migratory regularization with a date set in the PF. During the operation, people who have already gone through an initial screening and who are forwarded on pre-established dates by the Immigrant CIC will be assisted. More information about this phase of the operation and the list of services and required documents can be found at this link.
Agência Brasil
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