Until February 3, the population will be able to respond to a public consultation on the use of the federal government’s corporate card, used for low-value expenses, such as the purchase of office materials and some expenses on official trips. The Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services extended the consultation period, which ended yesterday (25). Suggestions can be submitted using the form available on the Participa + Brasil platform. The consultation aims to reduce bureaucracy and increase the transparency of public spending. The Ministry of Management presented the draft of a decree that regulates the use of the Federal Government Payment Card, also known as the corporate card. Currently, purchases with a corporate card are disclosed on the Transparency Portal. The draft decree proposes that government bodies disclose, in a specific area on their websites, the number of cards in use, the total amount and date of expenses. The information will be integrated into the National Public Procurement Portal (PNCP). The Ministry of Management also wants to harmonize corporate card expenses with the new Bidding Law. This law would become the only rule for public sector hiring as of April. Another suggestion concerns the limitation of purchases with non-requirement and waiver of bids. For works, engineering services and vehicle maintenance, the maximum value would correspond to R$ 100 thousand. For other purchases and services, the limit would be R$50,000. The amounts are set out in the new Procurement Law and subsequent regulations. The decree also authorizes the use of the card for purchases by micro and small companies registered in Simples Nacional. The draft makes it illegal to use the corporate card to purchase luxury consumer goods, in accordance with a decree issued in September 2021. It is also prohibited to pay membership fees, maintenance fees, annuities and other expenses associated with obtaining or card use.
Agência Brasil
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