The defense of the governor removed from the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha, sent, on Thursday night (9) to the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Alexandre de Moraes, a request for the decision to remove the governor from office to be revoked. The document sent to the rapporteur of the investigation into the coup acts argues that the initial investigation, carried out by the Federal Police on cellular devices in Ibaneis, would not have revealed acts by the governor aimed at facilitating the vandalism actions carried out against the headquarters of the Three Powers on the 8th of January. In the early hours of January 9, Minister Alexandre de Moraes ordered Ibaneis removed from office for a period of 90 days. In dialogues with authorities, Ibaneis was calm during the initial moments of the coup acts, despite the warnings made by the Minister of Justice, Flávio Fino, and by the Presidents of the STF, Minister Rosa Weber, and of the National Congress, Senator Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD -MG). The Federal Police confirmed that the analysis of the devices was completed and that the report has already been forwarded to the STF, but did not go into details, since Minister Moraes kept the investigation confidential. In the argument presented by Ibaneis’s defense, requesting the revocation of the decision to remove him, it was said that, in the report produced based on the analysis of the telephone devices used by the governor, it would be expressed that “the investigation did not reveal acts” of this one to “change planning, undoing orders from authorities of the security forces, omitting information to higher authorities of the federal government, or even preventing the repression of the advance of demonstrators during acts of vandalism”. Finally, the defense states that “the evidence raised proves that the petitioner [Ibaneis] did not participate in the criminal enterprise and coup”.
Agência Brasil
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