In a joint action with the Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro, the Federal Police (PF) arrested, yesterday (9) night, at Recreio dos Bandeirantes, a Paraguayan citizen, accused of ordering the murder of Paraguayan prosecutor Marcelo Pecci, who died shots in may 2022 during a honeymoon trip. The crime was in Cartagena, Colombia. The prisoner, whose identity has not been revealed, was considered an international fugitive and wanted by Paraguayan justice and Interpol. Against him, among other crimes, weigh charges of drug trafficking and money laundering. Priority target According to the Federal Police, the man’s history made him “a priority target in the international cooperation work carried out at the International Police Cooperation Center in Rio de Janeiro (CCPI-RJ) with the direct assistance of different Brazilian police forces, south -American and Interpol”. After being identified by the PF and foreign authorities, the Interpol representation of the PF filed a request for preventive detention for extradition of the prisoner. The request was granted on an urgent basis by the Superior Court of Justice (STF), after a favorable opinion from the Attorney General’s Office. The Paraguayan was sent, at dawn, to the José Frederico Marques Public Prison, in Benfica, Rio, where he will remain at the disposal of Justice.
Agência Brasil
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