Fourteen Yanomami children diagnosed with severe malnutrition and who are being monitored by the Indigenous Health Support House (Casai) in Boa Vista gained weight and evolved to moderate conditions. The number represents 78% of a total of 19 children of the ethnic group, aged between 6 months and 5 years, monitored by health teams due to severe malnutrition. “Even though it is just a sample of the total population of malnourished children, it is a sign that the efforts of the teams and the strategies adopted so far work and can be replicated”, evaluated the Ministry of Health. Treatment utilizes formula-based protocols and guidelines. The folder highlighted that adherence is a challenge, since the use of this type of food is not part of the Yanomami culture. Teams carried out a kind of active search within Casai so that the formulas were administered properly and at defined intervals – some every three hours and others every four hours. The next steps, according to the ministry, are the progressive expansion of treatment for children with similar conditions at Casai itself and adaptations at the base poles, avoiding the removal of children and allowing them to be treated within the Yanomami territory. “This will occur gradually as the number of professionals increases, as well as their qualifications, and must be agreed within the scope of the COE [Centro de Operações de Emergência em Saúde Pública] Yanomami for the coming weeks. The very serious conditions continue to be treated in reference hospitals in the region.”
Agência Brasil
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