To make carnival an increasingly democratic, accessible and inclusive party, the parades of the samba schools that perform at the Sambódromo do Anhembi, in the capital of São Paulo, will have accessibility resources. The idea is from the Independent League of Samba Schools of São Paulo (Liga-SP), São Paulo Turismo (SPTuris) and the São Paulo Municipal Secretariat for Persons with Disabilities. Accessibility resources will be used in the parades today (17), tomorrow (18) and Sunday (19). All parades will have live audio description and, for the first time, this resource will be used not only for parades in the special group but also for associations that parade in access group one. This way, says the secretariat, visually impaired and blind people will be able to follow the entire show that takes place at the Sambódromo. Audio description is an accessibility resource that provides details about images, facial expressions, costumes, sets and any other information that makes up the context to be described. The service, informed the secretariat, will be made available through a cabin installed in the Sambódromo. The broadcast will be in real time through the secretary’s Youtube channel. The resource will also be made available at the Parade of Champions, a party scheduled for February 25th. In addition, the Samba com as Mãos project will also be developed on the secretariat’s channel. The project is making available the sambas-enredo translated into Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) for the deaf community. In all, informed the secretariat, 22 sambas were translated and the videos are being made available on the secretariat’s social networks. In this year of 2023, the Camisa 12 school, which performed last week by the access group two, took to the avenue the samba-plot From Inclusion to Overcoming, We Are All Equal. I’m a Champion, a discussion about inclusion in Brazil.
Agência Brasil
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