A study by a market analysis company in the United States reveals that adults will spend more time watching online videos than television in 2023. The reason is that platforms like YouTube, Netflix and Tik Tok are taking the place of open TV. According to the Brazilian Lucas Moreira de Queiros, this is a worldwide trend. “Nowadays, I practically don’t watch open television anymore. Whenever I pick up the remote, I put it on a streaming channel and then I end up watching a movie or binge-watching a series.” Gabriela Borges, coordinator of the Audiovisual Quality Observatory and professor at the University of Algarve, confirms this trend. “The data pointed out by the survey in the United States do not surprise me, because in fact they show a certain worldwide trend in the growth of consumption, mainly of images or videos – of audiovisual production in general”. She cites another recent survey, done in 2022, by Ofcom, the British regulatory agency. The survey shows that young people aged between 16 and 24 watch almost seven times less television than people aged 65 or over, spending less than an hour in front of the TV. “I think this data is also important, because young people no longer watch television, but they migrate and they watch audiovisual content on streaming platforms or content on demand and in videos on social networks. Listen on the National Radio Agency Gabriela Borges also quotes survey by the company Comscore showing that 96% of Brazilians consume journalistic content on mobile devices. Therefore, it defends public policies that promote media education.”[Os dados] also highlight the need for Brazil to start thinking about public policies that promote, in a way, media education, because unlike what is shown on television, which has a journalistic scrutiny – especially if we think about the issue of news – in the social networks the production of information is done in a disorderly way, that is: anyone can produce content. But more alarming than anyone producing content is the fact that there are more and more channels of disinformation”. Lime.
Agência Brasil
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