The demand for more security for women occupied one of the main avenues of the federal capital this Wednesday (8) with the 8M Women’s March Unified DF and Surroundings. Held annually to celebrate International Women’s Day, the act featured cultural presentations and a space for self-care. In the first two months of 2023, eight cases of feminicide were recorded in the Federal District. According to the DF Public Security Secretariat (SSP-DF), in the first week of 2023 alone, four cases of femicides were recorded. Throughout last year, 17 women were murdered in the DF, victims of femicide. One of the coordinators of Casa Ieda Santos Delgado, Thaís Oliveira, pointed out that there is a lack of shelter for women victims of domestic violence in the country’s capital. “The march today is for these eight women who are no longer here. There was an increase in the number of cases of femicide in the DF and these women died just because they were women. Today is the day to remember the thousands of women who had their lives taken over by machismo and fascism, “she said. “Domestic violence is worrying and we have been without a physical space since last year because we were evicted by Governor Ibaneis [Rocha, atualmente afastado do exercício do cargo]. We continue the work on an itinerant basis, with partnerships, but the requests for support keep coming in”, he added. Casa Ieda Santos Delgado is a reference space for women in situations of domestic violence. Act against feminicide occupies the Monumental Axis, in Brasília – Lula Marques/ Agência Brasil According to Mônica Caldeira, coordinator of the Women’s Secretariat of the Teachers Union of the Federal District (Sinpro-DF), the movement also seeks to sensitize the local government to an education that is committed to combating gender violence. “We understand that training for a society based on human rights and against sexist manifestations within the school is essential. The curriculum must have interdisciplinary content with themes aimed at the inclusion of women. It is also essential that there are laws aimed at criminalizing misogyny. We already have laws against racism and pedophilia, but we still need to move forward in this regard, as misogyny also kills, ”she warned. For 34-year-old dancer Priscila Assis, the march is the moment to give voice to the anxieties of women around the world. Among the yearnings described by her is the right to have an abortion safely. “I am a woman and I am directly interested in my rights to be able to exercise real freedom, such as going out alone at night or even having an abortion safely in a hospital,” she said. “Furthermore, I believe we should call for more public safety measures for women, such as training for police officers. I think there is a lack of structure to care for women when something happens and there are only male police officers”, she pointed out. Clara Barros and Priscila Assis participate in the 8M Unified Women’s March DF and Surroundings – Lula Marques/ Agência Brasil Alongside Priscila, psychologist Clara Barros, 34, reiterated the request for more security and education for women. “People lack awareness. There was a distortion of what we learned about gender issues in the Bolsonaro government, for example. People need to understand that talking about machismo is critical,” she said. “I have a daughter and I feel that I need to shield her from the violence we are experiencing, but at the same time I need to teach her about security issues and I do the same with my husband. All the time I feel that I have to teach him how to deconstruct a machismo he has learned throughout his life, ”she said.
Agência Brasil
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