Representatives of public servants of the Federal Executive approved, this Friday (17), the federal government’s proposal for a 9% salary increase and an increase of R$ 200 in food allowance, which will increase from R$ 458 to R$ 658. According to the proposal, the increase will take effect from May 1st, with payment in June, benefiting active servants, retirees and pensioners governed by Law 8.112/90. In a meeting held with the category, the Confederation of Workers in the Federal Public Service (Condsef) ratified the approval of the proposal, which was accepted yesterday (16) by more than half of the assemblies of entities affiliated to the confederation. On Wednesday (15), the National Federation of Federal Police (Fenapef) also approved the federal government’s proposal. According to the president of Fenapef, Marcus Firme, all unions affiliated to the entity manifested themselves favorably. “It is not ideal, we urgently need a real salary restructuring, but we will continue to defend our proposal”, he said. In an assembly held on Tuesday (14), the National Union of Central Bank Employees (BC) also agreed with the readjustment proposal. According to the entity, the increase will restore the inflationary losses of recent years and, with the increase in the BC’s contribution, will bring positive impacts to the category’s health plan. To guarantee the payment of the proposal, the government will need to send a bill to the National Congress to amend the Union Budget. No date has yet been set for submission of the proposal.
Agência Brasil
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