The 2022 Demographic Census – IBGE was not answered by about 9% of households located in the favelas of the city of Rio de Janeiro. To try to solve the problem, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) partnered with the city hall. The Pereira Passos Institute, a research body of the City of Rio de Janeiro, is mobilizing agents from social territories, who already carried out data collection in the Rio de Janeiro favelas and who are also residents of the communities, to help with the Census. In addition to knowing the localities, the institute’s agents move more easily through these territories, often dominated by militias or drug trafficking. The agents received training from the IBGE and are already looking for residents who were not at home when the census taker visited and also those who refused to answer the questionnaire. In February, the IBGE ended coverage of the Census household collection. In all, 189,261,144 people were registered, which represents 91%, taking into account the population preview released on December 28 of last year. On March 1st, the counting phase began. The release of the first census results is scheduled for the end of April.
Agência Brasil
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