The Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI) launched the Personnel Observatory, a publicly accessible research portal on federal government personnel data. Released last week, the platform gathers statistical data and information on public servants’ pay tables. Among the data, there are comparisons on the presence of men and women in high and medium leadership positions and the profile of the occupants in terms of age, marital status and education. The Personnel Observatory also features a section on people with disabilities and black and indigenous women in public leadership. According to Minister Esther Dweck, in the first version of the personnel report, a reduction in the number of women in effective government positions was found, which dropped from 46% in February 2019 to 45% in February 2023. gender, race and ethnicity, the Personnel Observatory will consolidate an active transparency policy and offer data in a simple way, says the Minister of Management and Innovation in Public Services, Esther Dwek – Joédson Alves/Agência Brasil “The period of absence general contests and the continuity of contests in predominantly male areas, such as the military and public security, was one of the factors that made the general percentage of women in the public service stagnate”, explained the minister during the launch event of the platform. “And when we look at women in the leadership role, neither in the middle nor in the top leadership, it is proportional to the number of servants in the federal public administration and even lower than the female average of the Brazilian population”, she added. According to the clipping presented on the marital status of occupants in leadership positions, the report by the Personnel Observatory showed that, statistically, the chance of men with underage children holding middle and senior management positions is 3.2 times greater than among women under the same conditions. “This reflects the difficulty women have in accepting the position or being called to assume management positions, because the care work generally remains with the woman, and she cannot, or cannot, increase her responsibility. But it is important that the woman is called and the decision to assume, or not, the leadership is a personal factor, and not a technical incapacity”, said the minister. Still according to Esther Dweck, the idea of the observatory and the report on personnel, by means of a gender, race and ethnicity cut, is to consolidate an active transparency policy and make data available in a simple way. As a way to expand the presence of black people in leadership positions, including parity between men and women, the federal government will implement a program that reserves up to 30% of vacancies in commission positions and positions of trust in the structure of the Executive Branch, including direct administration, autarchies and foundations. The decree was signed just over 10 days ago by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The article was updated at 15:25 to adjust the statistical information in the title
Agência Brasil
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