Directors and those responsible for educational institutions, public and private, across the country can now check the preliminary results of the second stage of the 2022 School Census, on the so-called Student Situation. The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC), and which coordinates the School Census, released, this Tuesday (4), information regarding the performance and school movement of students at the end of the school year. The Student Situation data can now be consulted online in the Educacenso computerized system, with the CPF number of the responsible informant and the registered password. After the conference, if errors are found in the information generated by municipal and state education managers, schools will be able to correct them until April 18. During this period, the statements on school performance (approval, failure or dropout) and on situations regarding the student’s movement (if he was transferred, stopped attending the school unit or died) may be changed and, also, supplemented with data that does not were reported during the collection period. The information refers to the school situation on 05/25/2022. The final data for this second stage of the 2022 School Census will be released in the Educacenso System on May 19. The results of the first stage, called Initial Enrollment, in the different teaching stages, were released by MEC on February 8th. Importance of the School Census The School Census is the main statistical survey of basic education in Brazil and covers regular education, special education, youth and adult education, and professional education. The annual survey is divided into two stages – Initial Enrollment and Student Status. To carry them out, Inep collaborates with the state and municipal departments of Education, with the mandatory participation of all public and private schools in the country. The consolidated educational indicators serve as a basis for planning transfers of federal government resources and for planning and disseminating data from educational assessments carried out by Inep. The declared data also help in the analysis of the educational situation in Brazil and in monitoring the efficiency of public policies for the area, since information on educational establishments, classes, students, administrators and school professionals is collected. Data from the School Census serve as a reference for the goals of the National Education Plan (PNE).
Agência Brasil
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