According to the Monthly Service Survey (PMS), released this Friday (14) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the volume of services in the country fell 3.1% in January this year, compared to December 2022, when it reached a historic record. In relation to January 2022, the volume of services expanded by 6.1%, the twenty-third consecutive positive rate. The advance in the volume of services in Brazil was accompanied by 25 of the 27 states of the federation. The main positive contributions were identified in São Paulo (4.3%), Rio de Janeiro (8.2%), Minas Gerais (10.9%), Paraná (12.1%) and Rio Grande do Sul (11. 5%). On the other hand, the only negative results of the month occurred in Mato Grosso do Sul (-6.4%) and in Acre (-2%). This is the first release of the new survey series, which included updates in the selection of the sample of companies, adjustments in the weights of products and activities, in addition to methodological changes, aiming to portray economic changes in society, explained the IBGE, through your press office. Updates are scheduled and implemented periodically. In the opinion of the research manager, Rodrigo Lobo, the fall observed in January eliminates the accumulated gain of 3% that occurred in November and December 2022, although the basis for comparison was at a high level. “The services sector remains very close to its highest point in the series, reached last month, which puts it at a level 10.3% above the pre-pandemic level.” Negative influence The survey shows that the biggest negative influence on the result of January 2023 came from the transport sector, auxiliary services to transport and postal services, with a drop of 3.7%. This drop is explained by the share of storage, which fell by 9%, with a negative highlight for port and terminal management; and passenger air transport, which dropped 5.9% in the month. The sector of other services also presented a reduction in the first month of this year, with -9.9% compared to December of last year, when it had risen 9.4%. Rodrigo Lobo informed, however, that the retraction movement resulted from atypical revenues received in the previous month by companies that operate in the auxiliary financial services segments, the so-called performance bonuses. As a result, there is a high basis for comparison, causing a drop in January, when this additional revenue is no longer present in the billing of companies in the segment, explained the manager. On the other hand, information and communication services and those provided to families increased by 1% in January. The first sector recovered part of the fall (-2.5%) seen in the last two months of 2022 and was highlighted by the rise observed in telecommunications (8.1%) and information technology (IT) services (3.6 %). Services rendered to families registered the second positive result in a row, accumulating a gain of 3.5%. Passenger transport In January 2023, the volume of passenger transport in Brazil decreased by 2.4% compared to the previous month, in the seasonally adjusted series, after having evolved by 11.5% in the last two months of 2022. find, in January of this year, 3% above the level of February 2020 (pre-pandemic) and 20% below February 2014, which was the highest point of the historical series. Likewise, the volume of cargo transportation fell by 2.1% in January 2023, eliminating the 2.1% gain seen in the November-December period of last year. As a result, the segment was 3.6% below the highest point in its series, reached in August 2022. In relation to the pre-pandemic level, cargo transport was 28.6% above February 2020. In the states The study reveals that, in regional terms, 16 of the 27 Brazilian states had a decline in the volume of services in January this year, compared to December, following the decline observed in the result of Brazil (-3.1%). The most important impacts were observed in São Paulo (-2.6%), Rio de Janeiro (-5.5%), Minas Gerais (-2.6%) and Federal District (-7.2%). On the other hand, the main positive contributions were registered in Paraná (3%), Bahia (2.4%), Espírito Santo (3.9%) and Piauí (13.3%). Tourism In January 2023, the index of tourist activities increased by 0.5% compared to December, constituting the second positive result in a row. The accumulated gain reached 5.3%. The result led the tourism segment to be 2.5% above the level of February 2020 and 4.6% below the highest point in the series, reached in February 2014. In the comparison of January 2023 with the same month of 2022 , the index of volume of tourist activities in Brazil expanded by 12.9%, the twenty-second positive rate in a row. According to IBGE technicians, the increase was driven mainly by the increase in revenue from companies operating in the car rental business; restaurants; hotels; collective passenger road; travel agencies; catering services and theatrical activities and shows. Eleven of the twelve federative units where the indicator is investigated showed progress in services aimed at tourism. Highlight for São Paulo (16.4%), Minas Gerais (24.7%), Rio de Janeiro (7.3%), Rio Grande do Sul (16.6%) and Bahia (14.5%). The Federal District recorded the only negative result (-2.5%).
Agência Brasil
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