The government and city hall of Rio de Janeiro asked this Tuesday (25) for an increase in flights at Tom Jobim International Airport, Galeão. The claim was presented at a meeting this afternoon between Governor Cláudio Castro and Mayor Eduardo Paes with the Minister of Ports and Airports, Márcio França. The meeting aimed to discuss the strengthening of the international airport, which has faced a drop in flights in recent years because it is located on Ilha do Governador, in the north of the city. The conversation, however, ended unresolved. A new meeting was scheduled for 20 days from now. This is the deadline that the federal government asked to respond to requests from Castro and Paes, who suggested limiting flights at Santos Dumont Airport, in the center of the Rio de Janeiro capital. The two asked that the routes between the capitals be transferred to Galeão, keeping only the flights between Rio and São Paulo and between Rio and Brasília on Santos Dumont. Castro and Paes delivered to the minister a study by the state government, the city hall and entities such as the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio (Firjan), Fecomércio and the Commercial Association of Rio. “The solutions we advocate have a single objective: to strengthen the Galeão, which is a very important facility for Rio de Janeiro. It’s not a question of ‘Rio flights’, but of flights to Galeão. Our proposal is clear: flights between Santos Dumont–Congonhas and between Santos Dumont–Brasília, and that the other slots [permissão para operar em aeroportos] be transferred to Galeão”, declared Governor Cláudio Castro after the meeting. “I am sure that the federal government is also interested in resolving this issue and is committed to studying our proposals. These are measures that will increase the airport’s attractiveness, and the results will benefit tourism and the state’s economy,” added the governor. “Our proposal is very concrete. We want two destinations [no Santos Dumont]: Brasilia and Congonhas. And the destination Rio maintained the same number, but balanced the balance, taking more flights to Galeão”, said Paes. Concession Minister Márcio França stated that the Union is committed to seeking a solution for Galeão in partnership with the city hall and the state government. He also announced that this Wednesday (26) he will speak with the Changi Airport concessionaire, in Singapore, so that the company can inform if it is interested in continuing to operate the airport. Last year, a decree authorized the re-bidding of Galeão
Agência Brasil
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