Registration for candidates for guardianship advisors in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro was extended this Monday (24th) until next May 12th. The decision was taken in an extraordinary meeting convened by the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA), given the low number of subscribers, and should be published today (25) in the Official Gazette of the municipality. “We are going to set up a task force”, said the president of the CMDCA, Carlos Laudelino, to Agência Brasil. Entries will close on the 28th. They must be done in person at the Centro Administrativo São Sebastião (CASS), headquarters of the city hall of Rio de Janeiro, from 9am to 5pm, on weekdays. Voting to choose the new board members for the 2024/2027 period is scheduled for October 1st. 195 representatives will be elected, five members and five substitutes for each of the 19 councils installed and operating in the municipality of Rio. The new tutelary councilors will take office in January 2024. The CMDCA is made up of ten members from civil society and ten from the government of Rio de Janeiro. “It is a two-year election, with the possibility of a reappointment. Soon after, you have to step away, stay out of the management”, explained the president of the body. He is ahead of the CMDCA for civil society until May of this year. From then on, a government secretariat representative will take over the presidency who will lead the works until May 2024. And then the whole board of directors changes”. Adhesion Carlos Laurentino lamented the fact that registrations for tutelary councils are very low. In 2019, when he was president of the tutelary council election, he managed to raise the salary of counselors from R$1,500 to R$4,500, for 30 hours of work per week. “It really boomed. What he has observed, however, since 2008, is the difficulty of information reaching potential candidates. To facilitate the presentation of documentation, Laudelino managed to partner with a distribution notary, which exempts the candidate from paying, unlike the R$ 700 previously charged. “All you have to do is sign up for a guardianship counselor, you will have the certificates in between seven and ten days and you will not pay anything. It is already a cost that the person will not have”. One of the problems raised by the president is that candidates have to prove that they have worked with children and adolescents in the last two years and, often, institutions are not registered with the Municipal Council. “Disclosure is lacking,” he said. Candidates must also be familiar with the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), as they will have to respond to a specific knowledge test, scheduled for August 6th. The test has 40 multiple-choice questions and an essay so that the person demonstrates some knowledge through cases involving children, such as the massacre at the Realengo school, or the children attacked in the south of the country. “There will always be a theme that the candidate will have to develop”. To pass, the applicant must get 50% of the questions in the test and 50% of the essay right. After the publication of the result of the assessment test, the candidate will have until the end of September to campaign, which will be regulated by deliberation of CMDCA-Rio, with subsidiary use of the rules of the Regional Electoral Court (TRE/RJ). Voting to choose the new guardianship councilors will take place on October 1st, from 9am to 5pm, at the polling stations that will be announced later. “The ten most voted enter”. In the last election, there was the same quantitative problem, but it managed to reach 1,144 subscribers, of which around 300 were rejected or disapproved for various reasons, including forged documents. The CMCDA law counselor and coordinator of the Electoral Commission, Patricia Coda, said that until the last 19th, only 150 registrations had been received, which would give about 15% of the expected. “Very incipient for our expectation”. Projected numbers vary between 1,500 and 2,000 registrations. “But reaching last year’s number, we would already feel contemplated”. In the last election, an increase in the number of registrations was observed only in the last few weeks. “It’s a cultural thing, people leave it to the last minute,” said Patricia. Requirements To enroll in the selection process for the guardianship counselor, the candidate must meet the following requirements: have recognized moral integrity; be over 21 years of age; be in the enjoyment of political rights; residing in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro; have completed high school or equivalent education level; not having lost a tutelary councilor mandate in the last eight years; have professional experience of at least two years with children or adolescents, proven by means of an official document in the areas of studies and research; direct service; defense and guarantee of rights. According to the notice, the originals and copies of the following documents must be attached to the application for registration: identity card; voter registration; proof of address; proof of professional or voluntary activity; certificate or declaration of completion of high school or equivalent technical course; negative certificate of distribution of criminal facts issued by the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th registration offices of the region where the candidate resided in the last five years, valid at the time of registration; copy of the publication of the act of dismissal from CMDCA-RIO, when the candidate is a former director by law; handwritten statement affirming commitment to his exclusive dedication to the exercise of the role of tutelary advisor (original only); conclusive report of the actions carried out during his term of office (only for guardianship counselors; legible 7×5 photo and without any political, religious and/or cultural manifestation. Carlos Laudelino informed that the proof of residence will define the area in which the candidate will run the position of guardianship counselor. feminine.” According to the president of the CMCDA, the fight is to have quality in the human being who will perform the function.
Agência Brasil
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