Silver medalist at the Tokyo Paralympic Games, Brazilian rider Rodolpho Riskalla was provisionally suspended for violation of anti-doping rules by the International Testing Agency (ITA). He tested positive for the anabolic substance ligandrol (SARMS LGD-4033), banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada). The sample collection took place on February 25th, after Riskalla’s participation in the International Freestyle Grand Prix, in Qatar. The athlete has the right to request the counterproof (analysis of a second sample collected on the same day). He was notified by ITA – a partner agency of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) – on the last 30th. “The case is on trial and without definition. He has the right to rebuttal, which has not yet come out. Prior to that, and according to (ITA), a partner of the FEI, the case is being treated confidentially and internally, without us having further information and, therefore, we have no way of pronouncing. We are attentive and awaiting the judgment”, said the Brazilian Equestrian Confederation (CBH). In medicine, the substance ligandrol is classified as an androgen receptor modulator (SARM), which has an anabolic effect. By increasing testosterone levels, the drug stimulates increased bone and muscle mass. In addition to being runner-up in Tokyo, Riscalla won two bronze medals at the Worlds, in August last year, in Denmark. Two months later, he was elected to the Wada Athletes’ Council, a position he has held this year (the term lasts for three years). Born in São Paulo, Riskalla took up conventional equestrianism until 2015, when he switched to Olympic sport after contracting bacterial meningitis. The rider competes in the Grade IV class (athletes with mild impairment in one or two limbs, or with moderate visual impairment).
Agência Brasil
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