Eletrobras informed that it was notified of a judicial decision that determines the suspension of the installation of a transmission line in four Guajajara indigenous lands (TIs) in the state of Maranhão by its subsidiary Eletronorte. The decision of the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region (TRF1) affects the activities carried out in the ILs Cana Brava, Urucu-Juruá, Lagoa Comprida and Rodeador. TRF1 also determined the suspension of licenses already granted for the 500 (kilovolt) kV Tucuruí/Marabá/Imperatriz/Presidente Dutra Transmission Line. The Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) and the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (Funai) will not be able to grant new licenses to the enterprise until an Indigenous Component Study (ECI) is carried out. As informed by Eletrobras itself, the company must also pay, by decision of the Court, a minimum wage per month to each member of the four indigenous lands until the conclusion of the study. The amount calculated by the company is R$ 17 million. The lawsuit was filed in court by the Supreme Council of Chiefs and Leaders of the Cana Brava Guajajara Indigenous Land, with a favorable opinion from the Federal Public Ministry (MPF). The MPF alleges that there were irregularities in the undertaking’s environmental licensing. According to the Attorney General’s Office, there is a need to carry out the ECI to protect the rights of the affected communities. Eletrobras informed, through a note to the market, that it is “adopting the required measures, in order to preserve the interests of the Company and its shareholders”.
Agência Brasil
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