The Federal Court determined the repossession of all invaded areas belonging to the Kalunga Quilombola Community, located in the Goiás municipalities of Cavalcante, Teresina de Goiás and Monte Alegre de Goiás. The court decision was released this Friday (19) by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), the body responsible for signing the public civil action, still in 2021, in favor of the quilombolas. Invaders of the area will be summoned to voluntarily leave the territory within a period of ten days. If the voluntary eviction does not take place, the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), together with the state of Goiás, the Union and the Palmares Foundation, must provide for the fulfillment of the repossession, with the help of the police forces. The Justice also determined that the Union, the state of Goiás, Incra and the Palmares Foundation prepare and execute an inspection plan to prevent and avoid further invasions in the Kalunga Territory while the complete and definitive transfer of the land to the community does not occur. The area should also undergo a georeferencing survey to identify invasions that have already occurred and their perpetrators. The definitive titling process for the lands claimed by the Kalunga Quilombola Community was initiated by Incra in 2004. According to the MPF, the process took place slowly and, in 2019, it was shelved without conclusion. Of the 262,000 hectares that make up the territory, only around 34,000 hectares were definitively titled to the community.
Agência Brasil
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