Amazonas holds today (20) the D-Day of the multivaccination campaign in the state. The goal is to immunize children and adolescents up to 14 years old. Immunizers from the basic childhood vaccination schedule will be available. In Manaus, vaccination can be carried out in health units, schools, community centers and churches until 4 pm. The list of places where immunization will be carried out is available on the website of the municipal health department. Poliomyelitis The national multivaccination campaign is scheduled for the second semester, but in Acre and Amazonas it was brought forward after a case of poliomyelitis was registered on the border between these states and Peru. In Acre, the D-Day of vaccination will be on June 3rd. According to the Ministry of Health, since 1989 there have been no records of the disease, also known as infantile paralysis, in the country. However, the folder warns of the drop in vaccination coverage in Amazonas, which last year was at 77.46% of the target audience, which are children up to five years old, while the goal is to reach 95% of this population. With the drop in vaccination and the occurrence of polio in neighboring countries, in 2016 Brazil was included on the list of the World Health Organization (WHO) as a place of very high risk for the reintroduction of the disease.
Agência Brasil
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