The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) closes this Sunday (28) the data collection stage of the 2022 Demographic Census. Among the completed actions is the collection of information. The IBGE estimates that, in a month’s time, on June 28, the preliminary results of the national survey will be released. The IBGE’s plan is to reach the end of December with around 80% to 90% of the census disclosed. The start of census data collection began on August 1, 2022. Brazil usually performs the Demographic Census every ten years. It is the only household survey that covers all 5,570 municipalities in the country. The objective is to provide a portrait of the population and housing conditions in the country. Technology The IBGE used technology as an ally in the search for a quality census and greater control of the operation in real time, as well as recent mobilization actions aimed at reducing the non-response rate, today below 4.5% in the country average. The equipment adopted from the 2022 Census by the census takers uses high-resolution images and allows monitoring the operation in real time, through chips inserted in all equipment. In the 2022 Census, Census workers captured geographic GPS coordinates. As a result, the IBGE analysts knew exactly the route taken by the census taker in urban, rural, forest, subnormal agglomerations, in places of greater density. In March, the IBGE carried out, in 20 states, the National Mobilization Action with the objective of reducing the percentage of households that did not respond to the 2022 Census in subnormal agglomerations, popularly known as favelas, communities, villas, caves or stilt houses. The initiative had a partnership with the Central Única das Favelas (Cufa) and Data Favela in six states — Bahia, Goiás, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina — where it received the name Favela no Mapa. In April, the IBGE promoted the Census Mobilization Action in High Income Areas. Teams of census takers and Institute employees participated in awareness-raising events throughout Brazil, in 18 states of the Federation. The objective of the two actions was to try to capture the greatest amount of information in all households that still had no response. Other measures were also adopted, along with the condominium administrations, in an attempt to contribute to obtaining more adherence and interviews from residents in these locations. The population also had access to telephone number 137, Disque-Censo, to schedule an interview with the IBGE census taker.
Agência Brasil
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