A new archeological site was found in the construction area of Metro Line 6-Orange in São Paulo. According to the archaeologists accompanying the work, Sítio Lavapés is located in the area of the ventilation shaft and emergency exit on Rua Senador Felício dos Santos, between Rua Tamandaré and Rua Pires da Mota, in the Liberdade neighborhood, in the center of the capital. According to archaeologists, fragments of crockery, glass, building material, archaeofaunistics, polymers and metals that could be from the 19th and 20th centuries were found. The pieces are in an area of 587 square meters (m²), more than 2 meters deep . Fragments found by the archaeological monitoring team of the São Paulo Metro Line 6 works – Lasca Arqueologia and Artístico Nacional (Iphan), since the resumption of consultancy and advisory activities for the undertaking and subsequent archaeological monitoring of the works, between the years 2021 and 2023, eight historical archaeological sites have already been identified, seven of which have already been rescued. Counting with the beginning of the works, there are already 11 sites registered. In the document, A Lasca requests authorization for the emergency rescue of the Lavapés site identified on the spot. According to the member of Mobiliza Saracura/Vai-Vai, Luciana Araujo, it should be noted that this is yet another site with evidence of the presence of blacks in the surrounding territory of what was the center of exploitation of the slave market in São Paulo, which highlights the spread of black resistance throughout the region, which later became known as Oriental or Italian. “The territorial links are so evident that the archeology company’s own report attests that it is possible that there is a relationship between the Lavapés Site, the Aflitos Site and the Saracura/Vai-Vai Site, renamed a few days ago by Iphan. In Bixiga, we await the report of the expert carried out by the MPF [Ministério Público Federal], which should be concluded today and the expectation is that, from now on, there will be compliance with the legislation that was not complied with when the work was licensed, dispensing with the archaeological research required in works of this size”, he said. The expectation is that around 5,000 pieces will be found at Sítio Saracura/Vai-Vai. So far, 2,231 have been removed in the first surveys and the beginning of the rescue alone. For Luciana, the finding of the new pocket of materials at the site highlights the need for archaeological work beyond sampling, which researches in depth the sacred territories that are now overturned. “It is also confirmation of the importance of maintaining Vai-Vai and the black population that maintains the quilombo resistance that gave rise to Bixiga.”
Agência Brasil
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