The Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (MDHC) created this Wednesday (14) a working group to face financial and property violence against the elderly. The measure is part of the actions within the scope of the Violet June campaign, in reference to the World Day of Awareness of Violence against the Elderly, celebrated this Thursday (15). According to the panel of the National Human Rights Ombudsman (ONDH), until the last data update, on April 3 of this year, 17,372 complaints of financial and property violence against the elderly were registered. This type of crime – which involves, for example, deceiving an elderly person to embezzle money or property – is provided for in the Statute of the Elderly Person, with a penalty of imprisonment of up to four years for those who commit it. The working group will be coordinated by the National Secretariat for the Rights of the Elderly and will have 60 days to present strategies to teach elderly people to interact and deal with technology, awareness campaigns, prevention mechanisms and improvement of reporting channels against this type of crime . Public policy proposals even provide for technical cooperation with digital platforms to tackle this type of crime. According to the MDHC, an inter-institutional dialogue has already been established with other ministries, companies that manage social media networks and the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban). The ordinance that creates the working group was published in this Wednesday’s Official Gazette. Also within the scope of the Junho Vileta campaign, minister Silvio Almeira opens, this afternoon, the seminar Human Rights of the Elderly: facing all forms of violence, in Brasília.
Agência Brasil
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