The Federal Police (PF) launched, this Thursday (15), Operation Fantasy Island, against a group that, through the purchase and sale of crypto assets, is suspected of illegally moving around BRL 600 million. One of the targets is also accused of child sexual abuse. The investigation was launched with the objective of combating crimes against the national financial system and actions of criminal organization. According to the PF, the investigated raised funds from customers, “promising payment of expressive remuneration, which would be obtained through operations of purchase and sale of cryptoassets”. According to the investigators, the main suspects may have moved, in the last three years, approximately R$ 600 million. Eight search and seizure warrants and three preventive arrest warrants were executed in Campina Grande, Paraíba. One of the targets of the arrest warrant had already been arrested in Rio de Janeiro by the Civil Police for the crime of child sexual abuse. The PF, however, did not go into detail about the case.
Agência Brasil
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