Social movements and councilors who are opposed to Mayor Ricardo Nunes held, this Tuesday afternoon (20), a march against the bill (PL) that revises the Strategic Master Plan of the capital of São Paulo. The protest began in Praça da República, in the center, and went to the Chamber of Councillors, where the PL will be considered, in a definitive vote, next Friday (23). The original text, prepared by the City Hall, was sent to the Chamber in March and was debated in dozens of public hearings. A few days before the first round vote, the rapporteur for the matter, councilor Rodrigo Goulart (PSD), presented a substitute text for the original. The new text was approved by the plenary of the house on May 31. Civil society organizations and social movements criticized the fact that the document was presented a few days before the vote, without time for a broad debate by society. Yesterday (19), the president of the Chamber, Milton Leite (União Brasil), announced that the final vote on the project, originally scheduled for tomorrow (21), will take place on Friday (23). According to the councilor, the text also underwent changes, which was considered a setback by the opposition, and new public hearings will be held until the day of the final vote. In today’s demonstration, the coordinator of the Central dos Movimentos Populares (CMP), Raimundo Bonfim, complained about the lack of participation in the elaboration of the new PDE. “They are somewhat reducing the impacts of the retrocession of this substitute presented by the rapporteur, which, incidentally, is a substitute that did not have popular participation. The project that came from the Executive Branch had some level of popular participation, but, as the substitute rapporteur presents a new proposal to be debated in a week, where is the popular participation?”, he questioned. The changes announced yesterday in the Master Plan project should be known in detail later this Tuesday and published in the Official Gazette tomorrow. There are predictions of public hearings from tomorrow until Friday, voting day. Councilor Silvia from the Feminist Banquet (Psol) defended the PL vote only in the second half, after greater participation by civil society. “We want to postpone the vote to the second semester with a more qualified process of debate with the city and, mainly, with the social movements, in relation to the master plan”, said Silvia. Setback For the councilor, the new text of the master plan is a step backwards compared to the original plan, from 2014. “The setbacks are not clear, we have not seen the text, the text has not yet been published. But, in the original master plan, from 2014, for example, the advance of the areas of densification is 600 meters from the subway. In the replacement, it rose to 1,000 meters and now it has dropped to 800. In other words, in relation to the original master plan, there is a setback, because from 600 meters it will go to 800 meters, ”she pointed out. For the former councilor and professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at USP, Nabil Bonduki, rapporteur for the 2014 master plan, the amendments to the PL announced yesterday, and which should be known in detail today, are still not enough. “The pullback they announced yesterday is necessary but not sufficient. He continues to ensure that buildings with no height limit are spread throughout the city, he continues to transform areas that are used by public transport into areas of the elite, without democratizing the land, ”he said. In a press conference yesterday, the president of the Chamber said that the alterations in the text result from the suggestions presented in the public hearings. “We admitted some things, suppressed others, some alterations were due to understandings of the parliamentary gentlemen, but, in particular, of the public hearings”, concluded Milton Leite.
Agência Brasil
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