Former President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro said, this Thursday (29), that he expects a fair trial and without revanchism from the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). He spoke to the press at Santos Dumont Airport, in downtown Rio de Janeiro, shortly after disembarking a flight from Brasilia. “I believe, until the last second, in impartiality and fair judgment, without revanchism, on the part of the TSE”, said the former president in the airport lobby, who expressed hope that a minister will request a visit. Bolsonaro said that, as long as he is alive, he wants to “collaborate with the country”. According to the former president, if he becomes ineligible, he could be a good electoral lead for “several good names” of potential candidates. “I am not a normal ex-president. I am a former president that people are already missing. And we have the potential to win the 2026 elections,” he said. “Here in Brazil, it seems that they want to remove a political leadership that, according to public opinion, a large part [da opinião pública], did the right thing despite the problems,” he said. Coup acts The former president also spoke about the coup acts of January 8. For Bolsonaro, the protests seem to have been facilitated “for someone to take advantage. And that someone was not Jair Bolsonaro, much less the right. According to him, the invasions and depredations in public buildings were not committed by people who were camped in front of the barracks, but by people who arrived in Brasília, on buses, that weekend. The former president also said that both the camps and the coup acts of January 8 did not have a “central figure” behind them. “Everything was spontaneous on their part.” Regarding his relationship with the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Alexandre de Moraes, Bolsonaro said he regrets the differences with him and with other authorities during his presidency. “People are sorry. I don’t take anything personally. Despite having a lot of disagreement with regard to it, especially with the prisons in Brasilia [de suspeitos de envolvimento com os atos de 8 de janeiro]heads of families, grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers, mothers imprisoned until today”, said the former president.
Agência Brasil
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