Twitter users now have a daily reading limit. The announcement was made this Saturday (1st) by the owner of the social network, Elon Musk. According to him, the measure is temporary and was taken “to deal with extreme levels of data extraction and manipulation of the system”, he communicated in a post on Twitter. Verified accounts, which are those with the blue seal, now have a reading limit of 6,000 publications per day. Those that are not verified, now have a limit of 600 posts per day. New unverified accounts have an even lower limit of 300 posts per day. Two hours after making the post, Musk announced that the limits will increase “soon”. Verified accounts will be able to access up to 8,000 publications per day, unverified 800 and new unverified 400. The changes were among the most discussed topics this afternoon on the social network. Many users complained about the change and said they would have to look for other networks. Many posted that they reached the limit and received a message that they could no longer access the publications.
Agência Brasil
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