Entities and companies linked to Articulação pela Mídia Negra delivered to the Secretariat of Communication of the Presidency of the Republic (Secom) a list of 59 claims aimed at promoting and encouraging the production and dissemination of news concerning black, peripheral and indigenous communities. The initiative is, according to the group, a way to help promote racial equality in the media, especially in those led and formed by these groups across the country. The idea, according to a document released by the entities, is to claim the opening of dialogue with communication managers in the Lula government, so that the media regulation process and communication policies involve the demands of these groups. Among the entities linked to Articulation for Black Media that signed the document are the Commission of Journalists for Radial Equality (Cojira); the Network of Black Journalists for Diversity in Communication (Rede JP); the Quilombação Network; the National Commission of Journalists for Racial Equality (Conajira); the Center for Latin American Studies on Culture and Communication (Celacc); Unified Black Movement; National Association of Afro Media (Anma); and Peripheral Connections. Coordinator of the Black Journalists Network, Marcelle Chagas said that the 59 proposals had the participation of 55 organizations led by black communicators and journalists. “Among the main demands identified is the promotion so that the black population can develop and implement their communication actions successfully, considering that the black population is already impacted in different ways by social inequality”. According to Marcelle, it is necessary to seek conditions of financial sustainability for the development of these communication actions. There are also demands aiming at racial equity in public communication, and changes in radio and TV concession rules. “There are several demands that we can work with in different ways and different ranges, but it is based on a collective understanding of the need for us to change this structure that propagates social inequality also in the field of communication”, she argued. According to the Secretary for Analysis, Strategy and Articulation at Secom, Renan Brandão, there are already, within the scope of Secom and the Ministry of Racial Equality, “advanced negotiations for us to have an anti-racist communication”. Brandão said that the demands will help to enrich the proposals being elaborated by the government, aiming at “robust public” policies that can be implemented, formulated and implemented in the area of public and governmental communication.
Agência Brasil
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