The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel Foundation (Capes) published an ordinance, this Wednesday (12), with the rules on the accumulation of master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships, with other remunerated activities, or income. The document authorizes other sources of income associated with the benefit, but prohibits the accumulation of more than one grant for the same purpose. The ordinance published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) prohibits the accumulation of master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships with other national or international scholarships of the same level, which are financed with federal public resources. The exception is when the second benefit is a supplement granted by a partner entity of Capes and provided for in an agreement for this purpose. For the period from March 2023 to February 2024, Capes made available the granting of 93.2 thousand scholarships through the Pro-Rectory’s Scholarship Quota and also through the Institutional Programs for the Promotion of Graduate Studies, which involve 51 research programs and the training of human resources. Around 6,000 teaching and research institutions participate in these programs, which, according to the ordinance, will have the function of establishing the criteria for allowing, or prohibiting, the accumulation of scholarships in their internal regulations, as well as monitoring and supervising the granting of grants. benefits. Cases of benefit accumulation must be registered on the Sucupira Platform, a tool that collects information and serves as a reference for the National Postgraduate System (SNPG). Scholarship project coordinators are responsible for keeping records and keeping information up to date.
Agência Brasil
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