One month after the federal government launched the Compromisso Nacional Criança Alfabetizada, all states and 83% of municipalities adhered to the program. All capitals, except Boa Vista, already participate in the program. In municipalities in the states of Amapá, Ceará, Maranhão, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraíba and Piauí and in the Federal District, adherence is total. Next are Pernambuco, with 99%; Paraná, with 98%; and Mato Grosso, with 97% adherence. According to Decree 11.556/2023, literacy at the right age occurs at the end of the second year of elementary school. The National Literate Child Commitment foresees integrated policies divided into the structuring axes governance of the literacy policy; training of education professionals; improvement of pedagogical practices and school management; improvement and qualification of the physical infrastructure and pedagogical inputs; evaluation systems; and recognition and sharing of good practices. The Ministry of Education will invest R$ 3 billion in the new literacy policy at the right age, and this year, the investment will be R$ 1 billion and another R$ 2 billion over the next three years. The objective is to pay for concrete actions by states and municipalities to promote literacy among all children in the country. Membership of the National Literate Child Commitment by municipalities and states is voluntary. Electronic membership must be carried out by the holder of the Education Department of the federative entity or its representative, through the Integrated Monitoring, Execution and Control System (Simec) with login (CPF) and password or access to the Gov.BR portal account. Responsibilities After joining the program, each state, in collaboration with the municipalities, must develop a territorial policy capable of meeting local specificities. The Union will be responsible for technically and financially supporting the federal entities, according to their needs. And it is the responsibility of each federated entity to promote the improvement of the quality of the literacy process and results. Municipalities and states must reduce, in their localities, learning inequalities between students. Union support will be directed from the proportion of non-literate children; socioeconomic, ethnic-racial and gender characteristics; and the presence of children who make up the target audience for education.
Agência Brasil
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