Registration is open for the 2023 National Examination for the Certification of Youth and Adult Skills for Persons Deprived of Liberty or under a socio-educational measure that includes deprivation of liberty (Encceja PPL). The same deadline applies to requests for specialized care and treatment by social name. Also until August 4 is the deadline for prison and socio-educational administration bodies interested in applying the exam to indicate the units and the pedagogical responsible. Nominations must be formalized by letter, confirming the institution’s adherence to the exam with the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep). According to Inep, the document must be sent – within the established deadline – to the email [email protected], with the subject of the message Adhesion Encceja Nacional PPL 2023. Tests The application of the tests will be on October 17th and 18th. Inep informed that the exam will consist of four objective tests, by level of education, in the following areas of knowledge: natural sciences and their technologies; mathematics and its technologies; languages, codes and their technologies; essay; and human sciences and their technologies. Encceja was created in 2002, in collaboration with state and municipal education departments. The tests comply with the basic requirements established by the legislation in force for primary and secondary education. In a note, Inep said that the issuance of the certificate and declaration of proficiency is the responsibility of the departments of education and the federal institutes of education, science and technology that signed the adhesion term. “The Encceja PPL tests have the same level of difficulty as the regular Encceja tests. The only difference is in the application, which takes place within prison and socio-educational units indicated by the respective prison and socio-educational administration bodies of each unit of the Federation”, explains the institute. More information about Encceja PPL 2023 can be obtained in Notice nº40, published on June 13 in the Official Gazette.
Agência Brasil
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