The Ministry of Education (MEC) swore in, this Tuesday (25th), in Brasilia, the members of the National Strategic Commitment Committee (Cenac) and the National Network for Coordination of Management, Training and Mobilization (Renalfa). The collegiate bodies make up the Management and Governance axis of the National Literate Child Commitment. The new literacy policy was instituted in June this year and will receive a federal investment of R$ 3 billion over four years. Camilo Santana, Minister of Education, emphasized that the federal government will provide technical and financial support to states and municipalities to implement the literacy policy and, thus, to guarantee the universal right to education, provided for in the Federal Constitution. However, the minister defended the leading role of states and municipalities in managing the literacy policy. “Governance needs to exist from the national point of view, which will have since the presence of the President of the Republic, the Minister; to state governance, therefore, the leadership of the governor, the state secretary is important [de educação]; to regional and municipal governments. You are fundamental as articulators of this policy, at the end. You will be involved in the day-to-day execution of this policy”. “All the evidence from studies has already shown that, when a child is literate at the right age, the reality of the sequential years of basic education is changed: dropout and dropout decreases [escolar], reduces failure rates”, points out the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana. MEC’s Secretary of Basic Education, Kátia Helena Schweickardt, also asked representatives of state and municipal education departments to lead local processes to promote literacy at the right age, together with the federal government, throughout the country. “The success of this policy depends a lot on the leadership and on the process that you are going to lead, above all, to strengthen the collaboration regime that we are going to establish”. The president of the National Union of Municipal Education Directors (Undime), Luiz Miguel Garcia, understands that the National Literate Child Commitment is the essence of compliance with the National Education Plan (PNE). “It is the State’s obligation to have daycare centers in sufficient quantity. It is the State’s commitment to guarantee teaching-learning conditions so that children are actually going to schools and not to childcare centers”. The president of Undime also defended the expansion of full-time education. “Perhaps we will carry out this process at least in kindergarten and in the early years. If not universalized, at least reach 60%, 70% or 80% of the offer [de vagas] full-time”. Cenac The National Strategic Commitment Committee (Cenac) represents the main instance to support the new literacy policy for children at the right age, built by the federal government, states and municipalities. This committee is chaired by the Minister of Education and is composed of MEC representatives; the National Council of Secretaries of Education (Consed); from Undime; and the National Council of Capital Education Secretaries (Consec). The objective is to support the 26 states, the Federal District and the municipalities to establish State Strategic Commitment Committees (Ceec). As attributions, Cenac must approve the action plans of states and municipalities for the effective implementation of the National Literate Child Commitment; evaluate the monitoring reports sent on the execution of the policy; make recommendations to improve the fulfillment of this commitment; and systematize data to support decision-making by the MEC. MEC’s Secretary of Basic Education, Kátia Helena Schweickardt, spoke about the committee’s mission. “It is not possible to make public policy without us agreeing and seeking goals. These goals will not be imposed. They will be agreed upon in each territory, which will establish their base data. And we will build where we want to go, year after year.” In addition to ensuring that all children are literate by the end of the 2nd year of elementary school, as provided for in goal 5 of the National Education Plan (PNE), Cenac must also guarantee educational equity throughout the national territory and, finally, ensure the recomposition of learning of all children enrolled in the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school. “In this sense, we are taking a step further in the experiences that are already being developed in several Brazilian states”, reports secretary Kátia Schweickardt. Renalfa Members of the National Network for Coordination of Management, Training and Mobilization (Renalfa) of the National Literate Child Commitment, sworn in this Tuesday, should help municipalities and states in the preparation and implementation of literacy policies. The network must lead the implementation of training programs, management and monitoring of pedagogical processes, with actions, for example, training and development of teachers, management teams of public schools and technicians, of municipal and state education networks.
Agência Brasil
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