Severe acute respiratory syndromes (SARS) show an increasing trend in 23 states, warns the Boletim Infogripe, from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). Among the viral cases of these hospitalizations, three out of four are associated with covid-19. The bulletin released today updates the national scenario, with data referring to the week of November 27th to December 3rd, and points out that the growth of SARS stands out in the adult population and, mainly, among those over 60 years of age. The states with a rise in hospitalizations in the last six weeks are from all regions of the country, but the four exceptions, where there is stability in the SARS trend, are all from the North Region: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas and Pará. The states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, which are among those first affected by the current wave of infections, present a scenario of a slowdown in the pace of growth and formation of a stable level. Covid-19 was responsible for 76.7% of SARS cases in the country in the last four weeks, according to an assessment that considered only cases in which respiratory viruses were detected. In the analysis of SARS deaths, the prevalence of covid-19 reaches 94%. The upward trend at the beginning of December makes Infogripe coordinator Marcelo Gomes call attention to preventive measures, especially since the end of year festivities increase exposure to the coronavirus. In addition to up-to-date vaccinations, including booster doses, Gomes asks the population to use safe protective masks, such as PFF2, in environments with greater exposure.
Agência Brasil
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