Areas for the conservation of endangered species total 62 million hectares in 2022. The number is more than six times higher than the initial projection of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Endangered Species (Pró-Espécies), of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA). At the launch of the program, in 2018, the project planned to work on 9 million hectares. According to the ministry, the expansion of the area was possible thanks to the completion of 11 Territorial Action Plans for the Conservation of Endangered Species (PAT), which detailed the limits of each of the 24 territories included in the initiative. According to the MMA, the goal of evaluating the conservation status of the species was also surpassed. Initially, the ministry planned to assess 7,000 species of fauna and flora. Until June of this year, 8,761 species were analyzed, 5,511 of fauna and 3,250 of flora. The new calculation – of the conservation areas and the status of the species – was done with the help of a geoprocessing software and took into account each PAT. The work also involved field expeditions, which prioritized species considered to be critically endangered and focused on those that do not have a conservation strategy. In this case, there are 173 species, 43% of fauna and 47% of flora. Popular participation According to the MMA, documents with species conservation strategies are being constructed in a participatory manner, considering the socioeconomic aspects of the region and the habitat of animals and plants. The researchers identify the target species defined by the project to map and subsidize research, assess their existence status and conservation actions. This is the starting point for reducing the risk of extinction and ensuring the survival of the species. The plans also identify the main pressure movements in each of the territories to build more effective actions that promote the engagement of society as a whole. For the next year, Pró-Espécies intends to improve the implementation of control and awareness actions to combat crimes against fauna and flora. The program also seeks to consolidate the measures established in the National Strategy for Invasive Exotic Species (Eneei), to reduce the impact of these species on biological diversity and ecosystem services. Priorities The choice of areas included in Pró-Espécies took into account factors such as the presence of critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable species and their location by river basin. Priority was given to territories that did not have conservation instruments or action plans. Launched in May 2018, Pró-Espécies promotes prevention, conservation, handling and management actions that can minimize threats and the risk of extinction of species, especially 290 critically endangered species, which did not have public conservation policies. The project prioritizes the integration of the Union and states in the implementation of public policies and initiatives that seek to reduce threats and improve the conservation of target species. According to the Ministry of the Environment, the initiative was structured to combat the main causes of extinction: loss of habitat, illegal extraction and invasive exotic species.
Agência Brasil
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