Author of one of the tax reform proposals being processed in Congress, Deputy Baleia Rossi (MDB-SP) confirmed that the text will be sliced. In the first semester, the reformulation of taxes on consumption will be discussed. The Income Tax reform, which includes taxation on dividends, will remain for the second half of the year. The parliamentarian gave the information at the end of the afternoon, when he arrived for a meeting with the special secretary for Tax Reform of the Ministry of Finance, Bernard Appy. “Both the PEC [proposta de emenda à constituição] 45 [que tramita na Câmara] as for 110 [que está no Senado] talk about excise taxes. Other matters must be appreciated, but, at this first moment, [a reforma tributária] it will be about consumption,” said Rossi. The deputy confirmed that the government and the allied base intend to unite the two texts in progress. “The idea is to take advantage of both the work of PEC 45 and PEC 110 to use the best of each one”, he explained. During the transition, Minister Haddad had informed that the government would use the two texts as a basis for the tax reform proposal, with the possibility of the government also including points in the discussions. Rossi’s statements coincide with those of Haddad. On a trip to the World Economic Forum, in Davos (Switzerland), Haddad said that the government would divide the discussions on the tax reform into stages, leaving the approval of the changes in the Income Tax for the next semester. “In the second half, we want to vote on a tax reform on income to relieve the poorest strata of the tax and burden those who currently do not pay taxes. Many people in Brazil do not pay taxes. We are going to rebalance the Brazilian tax system to improve income distribution in Brazil”, said the minister earlier today.
Agência Brasil
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