In a record vote, Deputy Arthur Lira (PP-AL) was re-elected this Wednesday (1st) as President of the Chamber of Deputies by 464 votes. The parliamentarian will be in charge of the House for the next two years. Arthur Lira is in his fourth term and was the most voted candidate for federal deputy in Alagoas in last year’s elections. The parliamentarian stated that, among the priorities of his management, is the approval of the tax reform. At the beginning of the speech after confirming the victory, he got emotional when talking about his father, former Senator Benedito de Lira, 80 years old, who fainted during the inauguration ceremony this Wednesday morning. The former congressman and mayor of Barra de São Miguel (AL) was immediately attended to by rescuers from the Chamber of Deputies and is hospitalized for tests. Lira stated that he will seek to build a relationship with the Executive Branch without a relationship of subordination, but a pact to improve and advance public policies, “based on careful listening to the opinions and suggestions of our committees”. “We may have opponents, but we are not each other’s enemies. This will be the keynote of the Chamber in the coming years”, he said. Lira also stated that, if elected, he will not “passively” agree with the invalidation of acts, by minority appeals, in Superior Courts. The parliamentarian had the support of 20 parties: PT, PCdoB, PV PL, União Brasil, PP, MDB, PSD, Republicans, PSDB, Citizenship, Podemos, PSC, PDT, PSB, Avante, Solidariedade, Pros, Patriota and PTB. Deputy Chico Alencar (PSOL-RJ) received 21 votes. Deputy Marcel Van Hatten (Novo-RS) had 19 votes. The vote still had five blank votes. In her speech, Lira stated that the votes are the “recognition of a work dynamic, the result of this election is the concrete demonstration that, in good politics, it is possible to diverge, debate, but in the end, build consensus, decide and act , always in favor of Brazil” The congressman also stated that “a diverse, multicultural Brazil is only possible because it is democratic”. The deputy criticized the acts of vandalism that destroyed the National Congress, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the Planalto Palace on January 8 of this year. “This House will not accept, defend or endorse any act, speech or manifestation that violates democracy. Anyone who acts in this way will be repulsed by this Parliament, rejected by the Brazilian people and the rigors of the law. For those who plundered, vandalized and embarrassed the Brazilian people there will be the rigor of the law”, he said. “To the vandals and instrumentalists of chaos that promoted the 8th of January, I affirm: In Brazil, no political regime will prosper outside of Democracy. There will never be a Brazil without free elections and representatives chosen by popular vote”, he added. According to the deputy, “it’s time to deflate Brazil and relax relations”. For Lira, each of the Powers must act within their functions defined by the Constitution. “It’s time to see each one in its constitutional square – to see the Powers articulating, interacting with the exact clarity of where the space of one ends and that of the other begins”, he said. “It is no longer possible for the decisions taken in this House to be constantly judicialized and accepted without legal support. It remains for us, invested by popular power, to exercise every day the good policy of understanding, conciliation and balance”, he added. On social media, President Lula said he called Lira: I called now to congratulate @ArthurLira_ and @rodrigopacheco on their re-election for the presidency of the Chamber and Senate. I wish good management. Our country needs strong and democratic institutions. — Lula (@LulaOficial) February 1, 2023 Composition of the board The new board of directors of the Chamber will have the following composition: 1st vice-presidency: Marcos Pereira (Republicanos/SP); 2nd vice-president: Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL/RJ); 1st secretary: Luciano Bivar (UNIÃO/PE); 2nd secretary: Maria do Rosário (PT/RS); 3rd secretary: Júlio Cesar (PSD/PI); 4th secretary: Lucio Mosquini (MDB/RO). The alternate deputies are: Gilberto Nascimento (PSC/SP), Pompeu de Matos (PDT/RS), Beto Pereira (PSDB/MS) and André Ferreira (PL-PE). *Material amended at 8:30 pm to insert a speech by the president elected by the Chamber and a post by President Lula.
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