Consumption in Brazilian homes accumulates a high of 1.07% in January, compared to the same month of 2022. According to the Brazilian Association of Supermarkets (Abras), in relation to December, there was a drop of 14.81%. In this analysis, all indicators are deflated by the Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA), measured by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and the survey includes all formats operated by supermarkets. According to Abras, traditionally, the month of January registers the lowest consumption in comparison with the immediately previous month, because of the increase in consumption at the end of year festivities. However, Abras’ historical series, mainly the period covering the last two years, shows that January 2023 had the lowest variation in consumption compared to December. For Abras, this indicates that consumption is centered in homes, even with the opening of bars, restaurants and the hotel sector. The association estimates that, in the first quarter, certain factors support consumption in homes: the readjustment of the minimum wage (7.42%) for more than 60 million people; the maintenance of the payment of R$ 600 of the Brazil Aid (Bolsa Família); the gas voucher, worth 100% of the national average for a 13 kg kitchen gas cylinder (every two months). In addition, redemption of the Social Integration Program and the Civil Servant Asset Training Program (PIS/Pasep) (from February to December) and the payment (from March) of R$ 150 per child up to 6 years old for families enrolled in income transfer programs must contribute to domestic consumption. For 2023, Abras projects growth of 2.50% in household consumption. Price variation Abrasmercado, an indicator that measures price variation in supermarkets, remained stable (+0.08%) in January in the basket comprising 35 mass consumption products, such as food, beverages, meat, cleaning products and hygiene and beauty items. The main rises were driven by potatoes (14.14%), beans (5.69%), tomatoes (3.89%), rice (3.13%) and cassava flour (2.75%). On the other hand, the decreases were in onion (22.68%), forequarter beef (1.93%), chicken (1.29%), soy oil (0.46%), powdered milk (0.45% ), long life milk (0.3%), hind cut beef (0.12%). The decline in front cut prices was more significant in the South (4.58%) and Southeast (3.19%). In the cut of the basic food basket, composed of 12 products, there was an increase of 0.25% in January/2023 compared to December/2022 and the average price of the basket went from R$ 317.56 to R$ 318.35. The basic items that pushed up the basket were beans (5.69%), rice (3.13%) and dairy products – mozzarella cheese (0.46%) and cheese (0.46%). In the hygiene and beauty category, price changes were high for shampoo (0.53%), soap (0.37%), toothpaste (0.98%) and a drop in the price of toilet paper (0.05% ). In the cleaning basket, the main changes were: disinfectant (1.09%), powdered soap (0.6%), liquid dishwashing detergent (0.35%). In the analysis by area, there was deflation in the prices of baskets in the Southeast (-0.06%) and South (-0.41%). In the other regions, the variations were: Midwest (+0.54%), North (+0.13%), Northeast (+0.08%). Regional baskets As for the average price of the Abrasmercado basket, made up of 35 mass consumption products, the most expensive in January was in the South Region, R$ 839.93. Then come the North, R$ 833.7, Southeast, R$ 759.81, Midwest, R$ 707.26, and Northeast, R$ 685.03.
Agência Brasil
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